The year 2023/2024 marks an important milestone for SwimEasy as we celebrate 25 years providing the highest quality lessons and teachers for your children. We have many exciting developments to share with you in the coming year, not least the relaunch of this, our monthly newsletter, “The SwimEasy Way!”.
“The SwimEasy Way!” aims to provide some useful monthly information for all of our SwimEasy family. We hope that it will serve as an opportunity to share and showcase some of the incredible achievements that take place within our SwimEasy community coupled with raising awareness about upcoming events, new developments, reminders and general updates.
We hope that the SwimEasy Way! newsletter provides an opportunity for the whole community to collaborate too. Further than being a source of information (such as upcoming dates and reminders) we would love to see it evolve and develop into “your community newsletter” so we encourage members of the SwimEasy family to make suggestions, write an article or share a photo from your perspective in the future.
As you can see in this first edition we have a teacher’s corner, where a teacher might share some insights each month. We have incredible teaching staff at SwimEasy and invest heavily in our teaching staff. Ongoing professional learning and development is at the heart of our learning process. The SwimEasy teaching philosophy has been built on collaborative framework, and in a recent exercise our teachers came up with a shared vision which we now describe as the “5 Pillars of SwimEasy Teaching”. These distinct and detailed pillars are: Organisation, Knowledge, Delivery, Relationships and Feedback. Detailed insight into these transparent pillars will be shared in future newsletter articles.
Teaching swimming can be somewhat transient, but we do everything to support and invest in our amazing staff. Our teachers at SwimEasy are offered excellent remuneration, a comprehensive induction process, quarterly in person and online training sessions as well as daily professional development and collaboration at each pool. SwimEasy teachers also follow a structured curriculum, meaning that no matter what pool your child swims in, the lesson objective is the same. However, it must be stressed that each and every teacher has their own style and freedom to express their creativity. An exciting development in 2024 will be the introduction of our SwimEasy Teacher’s Passport, which is further aimed to increase the learning continuity across all of our SwimEasy venues and provide more visial teacher aids for your child. This will be implemented at all venues so no matter where you attend, you can rest assured you are always learning the SwimEasy way!
You should have received some reminders about the Christmas Holiday exclusion dates as well as our February RapidTrack; which will be held on the mornings of 12-16 February at George Watson’s College. We look forward to welcoming current SwimEasy families and new ones alike. Don’t forget that if you refer a friend to SwimEasy you are eligible for a 50% discount on your next term of lessons if they give your details while booking.
Thank you for supporting your children on their swimming journey, we can not wait to see your child thriving at a pool near you!
Yours swimcerely
The SwimEasy Team